
Introducing the new digital platform Trámite ya
Introducing the new digital platform Trámite ya

Introducing the new digital platform Trámite ya

Since March 12, 2021, the General Immigration Office along with the company RACSA, made the new digital platform, Tramite Ya available for all their users. Through this platform any foreign individuals requiring to regularize their immigration status may carry out all their proceedings using this website.

To open a digital file, the person must register and obtain a username through, pay a single fee of 11 $ for the proceeding to be carried out, and complete the registration information; the platform has an intuitive process which will help you successfully complete the affiliation form and upload the required documentation.

The website is available 24/7, making it easier for users to submit their digital documents at any time; another benefit of Tramite Ya is that you will have access to your digitalized file through this platform, follow up on the immigration analysis process as well as save time, as this will help you avoid the long lines at the Immigration Office’s premises waiting to be served by an official.

These are some of the proceedings you may carry out through Tramite Ya:

  • Permanent Resident Visas, either by living in the country for at least 3 years with a temporary visa or by having a relationship with a Costa Rican citizen
  • Temporary Resident Visa by having a Costa Rican spouse
  • Special Category: Specific Occupation Worker with an individual employer/Domestic Worker (o), Student, researcher, teacher and volunteer, Temporary Worker, Specific Occupation Worker for an individual
  • Relationship with: Permanent Resident, Costa Rican citizen, Temporary Resident, Tutor or Guardian
  • Short-Term Stay: Medical treatment; Special relevance in the scientific, professional, religious, cultural, sports, economic or political fields; Business agents, travelling agents or commercial delegates; Individual stay for mass media representatives, reporters, camera workers, among others.

If you wish to enjoy the benefits of this platform please click on the following link